Essential things a Pilgrim should carry on
Getting the luggage ready is one of the toughest tasks a pilgrim will face. The Camino has taught us several things throughout the years regarding this important matter; we would like to share them with you to make your journey much smoother. If you pack light, you will go light. Most experts advise not to exceed 10% of your body weight on your backpack. Our experience tells us to go even lighter. Keep it down to the basics, get rid of unnecessary stuff. Those things you are sure you will need, a lot of things, you will not need any of them. And if you happen to need something, do not worry will find plenty of stores along the way. Regarding what garments to pack, it will depend on what time of year you are going to do the Camino . The weather and temperatures along the Camino fluctuate depending on the season you walk. You will find temperatures from below 0ºC (32ºF) during the winter time, to more than 40ºC (104ºF) during the summer time, with all...